Blue Revolution: What is the Blue Revolution called, benefits and disadvantages

What is the blue revolution? Benefits of the Blue Revolution The evils of the blue revolution Today in this post we are trying to discuss in detail about Blue Revolution.

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What is the blue revolution? What is Blue Revolution?

Introduction: “Blue Revolution” is the proper management of water resources by which human drinking water and agricultural water supply can be ensured. The term ‘blue revolution’ became particularly important during the Third World Water Forum held in Tokyo. Because of a United Nations (United Nations) study, it is feared that by 2025, about 2.7 billion people in the world will face an acute drinking water crisis. Therefore, the ‘Blue Revolution’ took place with the aim of freeing the world from the impending water crisis.

In India ‘blue revolution’ refers to the increased production of fish and marine life in ponds or various small water bodies in coastal areas. The Blue Revolution took place in India under the leadership of Dr. Arup Brinmanan. That is why he is also called the ‘father of blue revolution’.

Benefits of the Blue Revolution

Providing food security: Fish is considered food in almost all countries of the world. Currently, due to the increase in world population, the demand for fish is also increasing along with other foods. Therefore, to meet this growing demand for fish, the increase in fish production and food security has been ensured through the ‘blue revolution’. 50 years before independence fish production was 4 lakh tonnes but now it has increased to 5 million tonnes.

Providing nutritional protection: Fish are particularly important as a source of cheap, nutritious protein. Vitamin D and iodine are available from fish. As fish production increases, fish is available cheaply.

Employment: About 14 million people in India are engaged in various occupations such as fishing, fishing, etc. So it can be said that many people have been employed by the blue revolution.

Foreign Exchange Earning: About 20 percent of India’s fish catch is exported abroad, earning a large amount of foreign exchange. In 2010-11, India exported fish and other commodities worth about $2.84 billion (8.23 lakh tonnes).

Green Revolution

The Evils of the blue revolution

Many coastal residents have been affected by this blue revolution.

Pesticides used in fish farming etc. end up in local ponds, water bodies, and various local plant and animal species. They are the source of various diseases.

The accumulation of organic matter is seen in local plants. Besides, eutrophication is seen as a result of all these activities. As a result, the demand for oxygen increases.

Mangrove forest areas and wetlands in coastal areas face coastal erosion due to shrimp farming. Land erosion and forest destruction increase damage caused by floods and storms. Besides, the river pattern may also change. Saltwater intrusion has led to the extinction of many auk and lodge species.

In the case of commercial fish farming, there is a risk of losing a large amount of foreign exchange if any fatal disease occurs in the fish. All these deadly diseases not only damage the fisheries but also destroy the surrounding wild species. As a result, it has an adverse effect on the overall ecosystem.

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