Cultivation of Boro Paddy 2023 | Boro Rice Cultivation

Boro Paddy cultivation method Pdf | Cultivation of Boro Rice 2023 | A modern method of Paddy cultivation is the Boro Paddy cultivation method. This cultivation is done in winter. Farmers are able to grow more crops through modern boro paddy cultivation.

Are you a farmer? And want to know about the method of cultivating boro Paddy in the right way?

Then today’s article is important for you.

Today for we how to cultivate boro Paddy.

After reading this report you will know the correct method of Boro paddy cultivation and will be able to plant paddy in your land for the first time this winter season itself.

Chulun, then let’s know the Boro Paddy cultivation method.

Table of Contents

Cultivation of Boro Paddy 2023

As you all know that water is the main ingredient for paddy cultivation, so paddy cultivation is done only during monsoons throughout India and Bangladesh. But as a result of modernity in agriculture, the method of cultivating Paddy even in winter has been discovered. Premature paddy cultivation is called “Boro paddy cultivation”. Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India organizes training for the farmers on the cultivation of paddy. There are many biodiversity boards in India.

Hence, water irrigation is needed to grow boro Paddy. This boro rice is good in a little low area but it is also possible to cultivate it in Uchuzmi.

Today we will try to help you by giving details about boro paddy cultivation – boro paddy preparation, land preparation, fertilizer application, planting, irrigation system, etc.

1) Boro Paddy seed production method

To cultivate boro paddy, seeds must be produced first. When sowing this Paddy seed, this Boro rice seed should be sown within the month of Kalkartik-Agrayana or Posh. Details are given below –

  • First, collect the best quality Boro Paddy seeds from the market.
  • Then prepare the land where you will plant these seeds. If you want to put it near a water body i.e. next to a river or a pond, make the land muddy and add light dung or organic manure.
  • Then open the packet of Paddy seeds brought from the market and put them in the sun for 2-3 hours in a bag.
  • Now, after another 2-3 hours, put those dhons in a good sack and soak them in water for one day i.e. 24 hours.
  • Now take the sack and cover it with straw for one more day and next day open it again and let the heat out. In this way till the Paddy sprouts come out roughly 2-4 days, do the same thing.
  • When the sprouts or sprouts of Paddy come out, sprinkle them in the place where you have decided to put the rice seeds this time.
  • After 30-35 days these seeds are suitable for planting.
  • Boro paddy land preparation method
  • The lands should be cultivated for this Paddy cultivation. After that water should be given to the land moderately for at least 2-3 days till the water accumulates in the land.
  • After that, it is necessary to plow again and again with a tractor in a hurry and it is better to give moi.
  • The land has to be covered with mud, and Paddy seedlings cannot be planted.
  • Therefore, till the soil turns into mud, it has to be plowed.
  • The land should be cultivated with organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers according to the quantity.
  • Boro Paddy seedling planting method
  • After preparing the land, it is time to plant the seedlings. Within 30-35 days of sowing the seeds should be picked carefully so that the seeds are not broken.
  • It is better to keep in mind the distance from row to row and the distance from row to row to plant the Paddy seeds in the field.
  • According to the rules of modern boro Paddy cultivation, a row-to-row distance of 20-25 cm and rice seedling to a seedling distance of 15-20 cm should be planted.
  • Take 2-3 Paddy seedlings in one group and plant them in a little mud, if planted too deep, the chances of the seedlings getting damaged are high.
  • It is better to keep the amount of water in the land very low during the planting of saplings so that the saplings grow quickly and become alive.
  • Irrigation system: Boro paddy
  • For boro paddy, water should be irrigated according to the amount of land. It is better to water lightly after planting. After four 2-4 inches grow, you can increase the amount of irrigation. There is no specific rule that the land should be watered all the time, it is correct to water according to the condition of the Paddy plant.
  • Once at least 3-4 days without any irrigation and then irrigation again, the paddy is better, and the seedlings are able to take proper food from the jimi.
  • A few days before harvesting, no irrigation is needed.
  • This was the method of Boro paddy cultivation, if you have any queries about this then you can let us know. We will help you as much as possible with more information also read to know more.

Question – Answer:

Q: When is Boro Paddy cultivated?

Answer: Cultivation of Boro Paddy is done in winter. In Paush-Magh months this paddy is planted and in Chaitra month Boro paddy is harvested.

Website: APSBB

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